Monday, December 31, 2012

Some Finals -- HAPPY NEW YEAR also

Here's the companion piece to this one with the Mirrors Edge runner. Fixed some atmospheric issues recently, so it should be a little better than it was earlier.

And my last stuff from my excellent life drawing class last semester at LCAD! We had a student modeling in her Chell costume from Portal. Brought a prop she made of the ASHPD (Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device).

So those were the warmups, very uneven. Then this was probably a ten minute...

And a .gif of the final piece. I did the pencils and prelim values in about 20 mins, then went back over time and inked it in Photoshop. 

 And here's a static version that's easier to see.

Hopefully soon I can show off my 3D stuff. I'm still not to a point where I'm satisfied enough to show it, though. Soon! 

1 comment:

Loni said...

Hi Dan, I wanted to let you know that I nominated your blog for a Liebster Blog award! You can read all about it at my blog here:
I want to see all that Amsterdaniel is up to! Happy creating! :)